Date(s) - Saturday, November 30, 2019
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Holmes Hall
Join the Winds for our annual Holiday Concert in Holmes Hall, a spectacular Victorian mansion in Allegheny West on the North Side of Pittsburgh. This year we welcome Gretchen Van Hoesen, Principal Harpist of the Pittsburgh Symphony, as our collaborating artist. The harp will be featured in French music of Ravel and Berlioz, an exotic Russian work, and a delightful Christmas setting by the late Pittsburgh composer, Roland Leich.
Included in the ticket price is the post-concert reception and a tour of the toy train museum on the upper floors of Holmes Hall, the world’s finest collection of pre-WWII “standard gauge” tinplate electric trains. Don’t miss it! Advance reservations are strongly recommended, as seating is limited.
RAVEL: Le Tombeau de Couperin (chamber music version by Mason Jones)
BERLIOZ: Trio of the Ishmaelites
IPPOLITOV-IVANOV: An Evening in Georgia
IBERT: Cinq Piéces en Trio
ROLAND LEICH: A Rose Breaks into Bloom
. . . . (traditional melody and seven variations)
TRADITIONAL: Hanukkah and Christmas selections
chamber music concert chamber music concert chamber music concert Pittsburgh concerts Pittsburgh concerts Pittsburgh concerts Pittsburgh concerts harp music harp music harp music harp music holiday music with harp holiday music with harp holiday music with harp